Little Boxes
Study Abroad | Northeastern University
It was difficult for me to try and come up with an idea for a project that was related to our experience in Berlin after only being here for a few days. Something that has been on my mind since arriving in Boston to attend Northeastern is my cultural background. I already knew I wanted my project to somehow tie into this concept. It was also interesting to see how the other students were dealing with being in a new country. For some, this was their first trip outside of America. I didn't feel so alone because of my cultural difference anymore because we were all unfamiliar with the new setting we were in.
General Goals
A bold statement that doesn’t necessarily guide the audience's thoughts, but is an integral element of the design.
Some form of irony
Must be inspired by an event/experience during my time in Berlin
Possible Solutions
Something that Hans encouraged us to do was diverge as much as we could. This was extremely challenging for me as I tend to shut down ideas quickly if I think they are "bad." However, once I started diverging, I was finding inspiration in everything and it became difficult to hone on in a particular direction.
At this stage, I wanted to combine concepts 2 and 4.
American Census Survey
Who makes the boxes?
Federal agency proposes new / changed survey question
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Census Bureau decides whether change has merit
Create wording options
Evaluate question performance in field test
Census Bureau solicits public comment; approves or rejects change
Census Bureau implements change
Why do we ask questions about...
Create “statistics” and present “estimates” by race group
To “evaluate” gov programs and policies
“categories are not an attempt to define race biologically, anthropology or genetically”
The survey allows you to mark more than one race on the form
Originated in 1790 Census
How has the census changed over time?
Are there Census surveys in places other than America?
9 race boxes and 2 “other” boxes
2020 Race AND ethnicity box
How does DNA affect your perception of yourself?
People who have lived their lives thinking they are one thing (eg half Chinese, half French), but it turns out that they are not what they thought (eg they don’t have any French DNA)
People who are racist against a certain group and find out they have that DNA (eg racist against Africans and they have African DNA)
Mind Maps
At this point of the process, I had so many ideas whirling around in my head. I wanted to "brain dump" and get them all down on paper so I could sift through the small ideas and figure out what the big picture was going to look like.
After completing a form study and listing out every single "box" both literal and metaphorical, I landed on wanting to create some type of optical illusion related to boxes.
Main Objectives
Layout Iterations
Final Product
Presenting Our Work
The final piece of the project was to present our work, gallery-style. We spent the afternoon putting up all our work and each stood in front of the class explaining our rationale, process, and reflections. It was incredible to see everyone's work after 5 weeks of working in the same studio. We had an opportunity to ask each other questions and fully appreciate the work we've seen each other do.